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May 23, 2012

{31 Days of Blogging} Day 23 - My Dream Job

This is always a fun topic. When I was growing up, my dream jobs were model, nurse, and mother. I wanted to be all three of these things all at one time. I figured I would be a nurse, and that would help me be a better mommy. I would model like on the weekends or something. I had it all figured out, really. Oh, and I think teacher was in there too. 
Then I wanted to be a teacher. First, elementary, then when college came around, I thought about it and realized that Secondary English was a little more my speed (mostly the creative writing aspect). I really enjoyed that, throughout college I kept on my teacher track, though thoughts would creep in that made me question if I would truly love my job. 
Now, I have my true dream job. I would not change it for the world. I am so grateful for my job. What is my job? Mom. Better yet, wife and mother. Two of the best jobs in the world to me. Yes, there are times when my kids can drive me crazy, but these years and tantrums will not last. I am getting to spend each day watching my two beautiful children grow up. I have been here for their firsts. I do not have to dread taking them to a day care and miss them when I am working at a job that I may not like all that much. I cherish these days. This is my dream job!

What is your dream job?

Until next time... Happy Dreaming!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Being a mum is the best!

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