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Apr 10, 2010

A fresh look and starting over (well sort of)

Hi all. I am actually finding time in between everything to sit down and blog a little. LJ is in bed and I am ready to go to bed myself after an eventful day. Hubby left on business yesterday and he won't be back until this next Saturday. In an attempt to keep what sanity I have left, I went out to dinner with my parents and little sister. That ended with Sis coming to have a sleep over at my place. It has been forever since I have had a sleep over, but that is a different post all together. :)
So, we are working on selling our house, buying another one, and moving. LJ will be two in a week. That means we are having a party. That is awesome, but I am going to be having family over, from both sides, and we have one of those PODS sitting in our front drive. What limited parking options we already have, have now been decreased even more. Fun.
But, now to get on topic....
It seems as though things are falling in to place, but not where I thought they might. Since beginning cloth diapering, I have found myself wanting to be more natural with more of our lives. I am now in love with more natural cleaners and making my own household cleaners. I am wanting to eat more naturally and everything.
On top of that, this move has brought about another change. I do like to be organized and have a house I can invite people over to without having to worry about how clean everything is and what kind of image the house is portraying. It is like getting to move things to a new house is making it that we can organize things like we have always wanted, but just got stuck since we had been doing things differently for so long. We are getting to start fresh and redo what we have been doing to what we want to be doing.
With everything that is going on in life right now, I am in love. I recently got my hair cut again and that has just renewed me as well. I feel lighter in so many ways. I know that might sound corny, but it is true. When it might seem like I have taken on way more than I can chew, I feel better than ever. In a way I am starting things fresh with the house and living and in my faith (being the director of VBS and all) and it is changing things all for the better. Where I thought I was going, isn't where I am going anymore. Who knew?!
Have you ever felt like you are doing a 180 and loved it? What caused it for you? For me it seems to be a combination of everything.
did moving to a new place ever give you the chance to start new with the way you live? Did it last, and for how long? I am really hoping that this want of organization lasts and we don't fall right back in to the disorganization we have been dealing with.

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