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May 24, 2011

Let the Challenge Begin! Days 1 & 2

Yesterday was the 23rd of May. That means that the Flats and Handwashing Challenge has begun. For our house that meant it started at 12:47 Monday morning. That is when BG woke up for a diaper change and some food. I had my handy bag of goodies next to my bed, so I would be ready for the first diaper change of the day. I knew that until midnight I could use whatever I wanted, but after midnight I wanted it to be flats and all flats until midnight on the 30th.

Since I have 24 flats, I have come to realize I can get two days worth of diapering out of them.  I have put all of my covers and flats into one basket that stays in the pac-n-play so that I reach for them and only them. They are the closest in reach so it makes it easier. All of my other diapers are in a pile or covered by other things so that I am not tempted to pull one out. This is also for Hubby's sake. :)

How did day one go? It went pretty well! Hubby even changed a diaper. I was so proud of him. :) He is not big on the flats. Like many cloth dads, he prefers the ones that are closest to disposable. Then he feels like he can't mess it up. He told me that he probably messed it up or did it wrong, but I reassured him I figured he did just fine. (When I changed her early this morning, he had done just fine with putting on a origami folded flat diaper)

Today we are down another cover as she had quite the messy diaper this morning already. I do have three diaper covers that are still clean. It seems that whenever she makes a messy diaper, it gets on the cover. That is a part of this challenge that I am still trying to tweak.
I washed my diapers earlier today and now they are outside trying to get some good ol' sun. I am hoping that not only does the flat sun out nicely, but I am hoping the one cover she absolutely made a mess of, suns out nicely as well.
So, that about sums up how we having been doing with the Flats and Handwashing Challenge.

I want to thank Diaper Junction (affiliate link) again for providing a dozen flats for this challenge.

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